College Relationships Dos And Donts

College Relationships Dos And Donts

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College relationships can be fun, some relationships will be serious, and other relationships will be casual. Serious relationships take a lot of effort and time for them to work. Relationships have to be able to handle fights, time constraints, emotional and physical connections, and sometimes even infidelities.

Making your relationship last through college can be a difficult experience, but there are a few dos and don’ts that will help the situation, which will hopefully make the bond even stronger. Many college students are new to serious relationships, which can make them difficult to get the hang of. This article will give some tips to help make your next serious college relationship successful.


College Relationships Dos And Donts

1. Hang Out With Mutual Friends

When dating someone seriously it is good to have many mutual friends since they will help support the relationship and not take away from it. Having one-sided friends can tear you two up and you will find yourself choosing between your partner and your friends. Always pick your partner if this is a serious relationship. And if you prefer not to hand out with large crowds of friends, here’s some date ideas for introverts.

2. Date

Just because you are a poor college student does not mean that you can neglect to go on dates. Dates do not have to be expensive nor extravagant to be fun; try going on a dinner date at the dining commons with just you and your significant other. Any time to be alone should be cherished in college, especially with roommates and busy schedules. And if you run out of things to talk about, here are some questions to ask your boyfriend.

3. Give Small Gifts

I emphasize small gifts because large gifts can be awkward and come across as needy, so keep your purchases under $20. Small gifts such as chocolate or a DVD can mean the world to the person you are dating, especially if they are having a hard day. Small gifts can bring intimacy closer, and also show you care.

4. Have Different Activities

Having the same activities as your partner can be really good for the two of you; however, if you do not have your space it could be very hard to make new friends and expand the relationship. Keep your identity and try the activities you like with friends, but try for some separation.


1. Have Meaningless Fights

I don’t care who you are, everyone has a fight at one point or another in a relationship. In the short term, meaningless fights may not seem meaningless, but you need to look at those fights from the long term perspective. If the argument is not going to solve anything try to abstain from even fighting in the first place.

2. Live in Seclusion

I made the biggest mistake in one of my college relationships of just spending time with my partner; I let down my friends and family by not wanting to be around them. Keep your friends that you had from before dating because when the relationship ends those friends will be your biggest supporters. Without friends dealing with a breakup can be very hard, remember this before it is too late.

3. Bring Up the Past

The past is in the past for a reason, bringing it up on a regular basis or even on an occasional basis can be toxic to even the strongest relationship. Save the past for history class and move on no matter what the argument; once it is settled do not bring it up. We have all had transgressions so do not act like you are innocent just because you can pick out a fault of your partner.

4. Have Sex Every time You Two are Together

Not every relationship has to be sexual, but for the ones that are I would highly recommend doing other activities than just having sex. Save the sex for special occasions, it won’t get old as fast and it will be something to look forward to. Expand emotionally if you want the relationship to go beyond casual dating.

And for Heavens sake, don’t rush into marriage while still in college. There are plenty of reasons to stay single in your 20s.