More Than A Paycheck: Earning Your MBA

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When it comes to the idea of returning to school to get your masters in either a classroom or an online MBA program, there are certain perks that are readily apparent. For one, obtaining your master’s has the possibility of translating into higher paying jobs, but is it only about the money? There must be some motivation beyond a fatter paycheck that has hundreds upon hundreds of students entering MBA degrees across the country each year.

A Personal Growth

In a recent Forbes report, MBA students shared their favorite aspects of getting their master’s, and there was no mention of an increased salary. One student explained that having entered the business world after obtaining a bachelor’s, it was nice to get a two year pause to really reflect. The student explained that while it can be intimidating to think of forgoing a salary for two years while placing yourself in more debt by being a student again, it will give you time to think about some larger issues in business and your life.

Working toward a master’s degree is similar to the undergrad experience in that you will make many friends, but unlike your first round of higher education—the people you meet while earning your MBA are more likely to be valuable business connections in the future.

Small Fish, Big Pond

Of course, with any new venture in life there are some hard lessons to be learned alongside all of the benefits. When it comes to entering an MBA program, one of the hardest realizations may be that you are now a small fish in a big pond. In high school and college you may have been the best of the best, and that is still true of you, but when you enter an MBA program that will be the case for all the students. You may no longer be a frontrunner in your class and that can be a difficult adjustment, but that is ok.


When considering an MBA program, make sure to do your research first. This is a big decision and there is a lot to consider, like the length of your program and the fees that come along with it. Knowing everything about the program will help you with your goals down the line.

Challenge Accepted

While the work may be difficult and you will have to build your character just as much as your intellect;, an MBA is very rewarding. Whether you are in the classroom or taking advantage of online MBA programs, this next step in your life will have you growing immensely as both a professional and an individual.

Follow Ashely Wilson @ashelymarie1985 to see what else she has to say!

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