7 Bad Habits To Break Before Entering College

Nail Biting

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College is a time of new learning and for some exploring new cultural and social boundaries. You enter a recently graduated high school senior and exit a worldly, career-oriented, self-sufficient adult. That being said, there are a few bad habits that seem to stick with college students who are otherwise mature and responsible.

These bad habits make students look like children, and carrying them into adulthood can seriously hamper one’s career and social life. Here is a list of these childish habits that you should take pains to break by the time you enter higher education.

1. Coloring

Believe it or not, some college students (mostly girls) like to color in coloring books with crayons. One of my roommates had the huge, 64-pack of Crayola crayons that she used to perfectly shade in the lines of a Harry Potter-themed coloring book. This would be fine if she were three, but it’s an undesirable habit for a 20-year-old attending a major university.

This is a controversial subject though as it’s been known that coloring lessens stress, so invest in an adult coloring book and some colored gel pens and leave the juvenile coloring book and crayons at home.

2. Doodling

Doodling is just as bad, especially in class. This is a bad habit of seventh-grade girls, and college students should know better than to fritter their attention away during a lecture drawing hearts, unicorns, flowers, and whatever else in their notebooks.

3. Eating Kid’s Cereal

Though no one expects you to acquire a taste for caviar or sautéed Brussels sprouts, college students should grow up and stop eating foods meant for children. This includes Cap’n Crunch, Fruit Loops, and Lucky Charms. If it has cartoons, games, and mazes on the side of the box, then you’re too old for it. Get into the habit of buying Raisin Bran or Grape Nuts instead.

4. Falling Asleep in Class

There is no excuse for this in college; it is a waste of your/your parent’s/ the government’s money. It was a bad habit when the education was free and state-mandated, and it’s still a bad habit when in your state university.

5. Nail Biting

If you are at a job or career fair, don’t think that recruiters don’t size up a person by their appearance. Nails that have been bitten down to the quick say a lot about how a person chooses to take care of themselves. This is not to say that you need a set of acrylics or a French manicure-just nice, clean, trimmed fingernails.

6. Playing Video Games

This is bad habit has become increasingly prevalent among male college students. Playing Halo and games on Wii is a permissible pastime for hard-to-manage children, but it is something better left behind when one enters college.

7. Not Cleaning Up After Yourself

This one is self-explanatory. You can’t take your mom or your live-in maid to the dorms, so learn to do your dishes, wipe the counters, do your laundry, etc.

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