financial aid

How Much College Debt is Too Much?

It’s difficult to know exactly how much college will cost you. You’ll have to take into account tuition and fees, along with your expected financial aid. You’ll also have to think about variables such as housing costs and the price of textbooks. Whatever the price tag of your dream school, there’s a good chance you’ll

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financial aid

Navigating the Financial Aid System

The financial aid process can be very intimidating. Every choice a student (and his/her parents) makes in the borrowing sequence pattern can drastically affect how much their future payments are going to be. Here is a helpful infographic from Southern New Hampshire University to help you navigate the winding financial assistance road. Brought to You by

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american career college

American Career College

American Career College (ACC) has been helping students succeed for over 30 years. With campuses in Los Angeles, Orange County, and a new campus in the Inland Empire, ACC offers quality healthcare career training that will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to find a career upon graduation. American Career College is

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