Student Loans

A college student seemingly calculating bills holding a phone with one hand and holding a paper bill with the other.

How Much Should College Students Take Out In Student Loans?

Paying for college without student loans is impossible for many students and their parents. According to the College Board, 51% of bachelor’s degree recipients graduated with student loan debt in 2022. Student loan borrowers carry an average of $38,787 in debt, according to a recent U.S. consumer debt study based on Experian data, and for […]

How Much Should College Students Take Out In Student Loans? Read More »

A person holding money

Navigating Financial Aid and Understanding Your Options

Navigating financial aid is a crucial aspect of the college experience for students in the United States. Understanding the various options for financial assistance can make a significant difference in managing the cost of education and minimizing student debt. However, it’s not just about comprehending the traditional forms of aid; it’s also essential to explore

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