Tips To Landing Your First Job After Graduating College

Tips To Landing Your First Job After Graduating College

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Adjustment to college is hard, but making the adjustment from college into the real world and getting your first job can sometimes be even harder.

There will be a handful of people who will gladly assert “changing from college to real life was a breeze”, and maybe for those people, it was. For everyone else, here are a few tips on how to transition professionally from college to the real world.

Misconceptions about the First Job

There are a lot more misconceptions surrounding the first jobs after college. The most important thing is to take the time to find a job that suits the student and his or her skills.

MYTH: The first job must be in the graduate’s field of study
TRUTH: Actually most students’ first jobs have little or nothing to do with their field of study.

MYTH: Once accepting the first job, the student must remain there for a long period of time
TRUTH: Most students may hop around a little in the beginning unless they had a focused field of study.

MYTH: The first job has to be better than fast food.
TRUTH: Sometimes students are going to be stuck in jobs they may not want, but it’s still a job and other locations are more likely to look at someone who is working anywhere rather than working nowhere.

Where To Look for Jobs after Graduation

There are several options of places to look for jobs to apply to after graduating college. Here are those places:

  • Use the career center at college before graduation.
  • Online career websites, such as and, are a huge help, allowing you to show off your resume to more than one potential employer at a time.
  • Apply everywhere. Just because it’s minimum wage or not what someone wants to do forever doesn’t mean there isn’t a great experience to be had.
  • First jobs are often not your dream job. People have to work their way up to what they want to do forever.
  • Use any resources the college provides before leaving. Career fairs are also helpful and provide a wide variety of jobs and careers for students and allow for a more relaxed atmosphere.

Job Interview Tips

Here are five tips to review before going on an interview for your first real job after college graduation.

  1. Always overdress for an interview. Go in a business suit if it feels more professional, and find a way to look great.
  2. Act natural but professional; there is a happy medium that will impress the interviewer.
  3. When shaking hands, meet the interviewer’s eyes, it shows strength.
  4. If a question is hard to answer, take the time to pause and answer it. Silence is sometimes better.
  5. Have a copy of your most updated resume and a list of references to provide the interviewers if and when they ask.

Final Thoughts

Finding a job outside of college can be hard, but with the right kind of attitude and confidence getting a job will get easier. Stay calm, make sure your resume and references are up to date and remain professional during the interview.