Getting Ready To Graduate? Here Are 3 Things You Need To Know

Getting Ready To Graduate

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Whether you’re coming to the end of a four-year stint or finishing up your post-doctorate, getting ready for graduation can be a stressful but exciting time. There are many things to take care of, from submitting your application on time to ordering your cap and gown, sending out graduation announcements and party invitations, and more. However, it’s important to stop and really think about what graduation means for you. After spending your whole life in school, living without it can be confusing and overwhelming.

As you get ready for graduation and to enter the real world, understanding these three points can help you make the transition:

1. Life is never going to be the same

The lifestyle of a young professional and that of a college student are drastically different. You may be used to staying up until 3 am, but that may not be so fun if you have to get up at 6 am the next day for work. That being said, there are many aspects of post-graduate life that are better than life at university. For example, you probably won’t be rolling in the dough, but you’ll most likely have more money than you did in college. Plus, there’s no price you can put on being self-sufficient.

2. Your first job probably won’t be ideal

You’ve doubtless heard the phrase “pay your dues,” and when you graduate, that saying will resonate a little more. It can be difficult to find a good job even in the best economic times, so in today’s environment, you may not have the luxury of being picky. Understand that you may need to accept a less-than-perfect job at first just to get your foot in the door. Once you have a few years under your belt, it will be much easier to move up in the ranks. You never know: That imperfect job could end up leading to something you never even considered.

3. But: You don’t have to get a job right away

Above point notwithstanding, the period after you’ve graduated and before you begin your career is the perfect time to travel, take chances, and do things you may not be able to later in life. If you have the means and opportunity to do so without being financially reckless, take advantage of this break.

So, while you’re addressing your graduation party invitations, studying for your final exams, and meeting with your advisor, think about what it really means to get ready to graduate, mentally and emotionally. With these three points in mind and some careful consideration of your desired track in life, you can be prepared not only for the big day but for what comes after.