How Student Life and Experience Can Prepare Us for a Better Future

How Student Life and Experience Can Prepare Us for a Better Future

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Every second that is spent leads to something new. Consciously or not, you are a new person every day. Physical and mental evolution is a constant process. Whether you may like, love, hate or just be emotionally unaffected by your student life, it makes you the person you’ll adore or detest in the later years.

Rarely ever does it happen that you are spoilt at home. It is amongst the non-familial accomplices that you mould yourself, either as a disciplined, vice resistant and focused person or an aimless, helpless and confused rogue.

So, how adverse can the effect be on our student life? How can you crumble your old self and be remoulded into something better? How does student life prepare us for a better future? And what do we need to do to make that happen?

1. Discipline

An untamed river with a massive push can blanket anyone who comes in its way with devastation. And in the process, it also spreads itself too vastly to maintain its potency. On the other hand, a channelled and dammed river aids in the betterment of everything else through canals and the generation of electricity. Similarly, an undisciplined person will always be led by his/her own self to a life that reaps no rewards for him and ruins the lives of those he is responsible for. School teaches this discipline and under discipline’s dependence come all of the points mentioned below.

2. Knowledge

Ignorance is the only thing in the world that you must fear. The work of knowledge isn’t confined to the borders of the job. Knowledge is the reason behind everything a human being is. It is the evolution of a man from his base beastly instincts to a being of divinity. What do you do when you do not have knowledge with you? You become an insecure person capable enough to be driven into madness and be culpable of shameful crimes. Without knowledge, there would be no discipline and without discipline, a man would not himself agree to seek knowledge. As a student, you are fed with a variety of platters overflowing with sumptuous fruits of knowledge.

3. Communication

We strive in the urban world through the tools of communication. Moreover, communication is the implementation of the knowledge acquired for sans this imperative tool one would fail to carry out almost all tasks essential for survival: Failure in understanding the work which is required to do that can lead to no proper means of income and thus rendering one a difficulty ridden person. As a student, we meet and communicate with people from different races, nations, religions, experiences, behaviours, talents, tastes and problems. This shapes our identity as we tend to learn more than one niche. And without this, we wouldn’t gain knowledge and differentiate between good and bad. We also learn how to deal and behave with different people.

Thereby, students who make the best use of this environment while still being in the financial comfort of their parent’s income can, later on, be better earners, better families and a boon to humanity.