Top Five Reasons to Pursue a Medical Career

Reasons to Pursue a Medical Career

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Choosing a college major with very little life experience under your belt can be difficult, yet thousands of children are asked to do just that every year. While some graduating seniors are lucky enough to have dreamed of a specific career their whole lives, most seniors have dozens of interests that could easily be turned into careers. If you’ll be heading off to college this fall and are looking for a major, here are five reasons that your interest in medicine is worth pursuing:

1. The Ability to Help People

If you have a strong desire to help people and make their lives better, becoming a medical professional is an obvious choice. There are very few jobs that will give you the ability to help people in dramatic ways on a daily basis. No matter if you choose to become a physician or a surgeon, you will be given the opportunity to change people’s lives for the better.

2. Never-Ending Learning

If you love to learn, an ever-changing career in the medical profession may be exactly what you are looking for. The medical field experiences change on a regular basis, thanks to research conducted by scientists and medical professionals. Choosing a career in the medical field will give you the opportunity to spend the rest of your life learning.

3. Job Security

It’s a simple fact that the world will always need doctors. While other professions, particularly those in the public service field, are experiencing downsizing at a tremendous rate, the medical profession is one that offers an amazing amount of security. As a doctor, you’ll never have to worry about losing your job due to lay-offs. In the odd instance of hospital closure, doctors are able to quickly find work elsewhere.

4. A High Amount of Flexibility

Pursuing a degree in medicine gives you dozens of career paths to choose from. While you may need to brush up on a specific area of expertise, you’ll never be forced to remain in a specialty that you don’t enjoy. This is different from other degree programs that only enable you to work within one field or one specialty. You’ll also find that once you earn your doctorate, you can work as a physician, a researcher, a scientist, a teacher, or even a writer. There aren’t many college degrees that will provide you with such a high amount of flexibility.

5. It’s a Lucrative Career

Let’s face it: most people want to earn an above-average salary. As a doctor, you can easily earn more than $100,000 per year. There are few people who can’t have a great life on such a salary. While you shouldn’t go into any profession solely because of the money-making opportunities that it brings, making enough money to be comfortable certainly doesn’t hurt.

If you are struggling to choose a college major, you aren’t alone. Thousands of students enter college every year with no idea what they want to do with the rest of their lives. If you have an interest in medicine, biology, and people, consider pursuing a degree in medicine. There are few career paths that are as emotionally and financially rewarding as medicine.