So you’re a step forward towards life finishing your Higher Education, you’ve received the results you were aiming for, and now you’re entering a new phase of life by moving away from home and living with people you haven’t met before which is a massive step during life so be prepared to put yourself out of your comfort zone, because you’ll need to get used to living independently without Mom and Dad.
Let’s be honest, going to University isn’t just about devoting yourself to the Library to complete your essay which is due in at midnight, neither is it just about going out with your flatmates to the local clubs to experience fun and get drunk. There comes a moment during your University life when you order yourself to swallow a brave pill which will enable yourself to live life like an adult which is taking full responsibility for your own actions, this includes feeding yourself, and becoming a healthy economic individual.
Despite having the time of your life, you need to make sure what you’ll be eating each day throughout a whole week whilst studying. If you’re going to rely on takeaways at fats food shops, yes you might be saving money and getting an exchanged meal in return to keep you filled up for so it can help you study, but is too much of it will make your lifestyle unhealthy which does affect who you present yourself to other people such as employers of large firms. It is widely accepted that people buy into people, when you go for a job interview and you’re literally competing against anyone who has applied for your same position it’s not just about what you have to give to the company but it’s all about your image which will make a satisfactory first impression to an interviewer; so this another reason why students should plan to eat more healthy meals throughout the week which at the same time is easy enough to do.
So if there are any students who are fully committed to make sure they live a healthy and economical lifestyle at University, well done because this means that you’re preparing for the real world and this shows that you’re potentially determined to make some changes to your current lifestyle.
The two things you now need to focus on are learning to cook and to create a weekly budget on Microsoft Excel or a blank sheet of paper to work out how much money you’re willing to spend on food throughout a whole week. If you want to learn to cook then watch tutorials online, or watch experienced people cook their own dinner and you’ll soon get some guidance on what to do, also research Supermarkets which offer affordable healthy foods to cook and plan what you’d buy each week within a month and work out how much it’s going to cost you and determine whether it matches your written/typed weekly costing budget for buying many different foods.